
Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Mexican Beef Burritos EASY

Without fail recipe ultimate Mexican Beef Burritos EASY easy, fast, practical.

Mexican Beef Burritos EASY
Mexican Beef Burritos EASY

Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe Mexican Beef Burritos EASY with 12 ingredients and 21 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 12 ingredients and 21 stages of easy cooking Mexican Beef Burritos EASY.

Ingredients all Mexican Beef Burritos EASY

  1. Prepare : Olive Oil/Huile d'olive.

  2. Needed : Sliced Ognions/Onions en lamelles.

  3. Prepare : Bell peppers/3 poivrons.

  4. Prepare : Taco Spices/Épices.

  5. Prepare : Ground beef/500 g Bœuf haché.

  6. Needed : Salsa/1 Pot de Salsa.

  7. Needed : Mexican Rice/1 paquet de Riz Mexicain.

  8. Prepare : Fromage râpé/Grated Cheese.

  9. Needed : Water quantity based on taco spices instructions/eau.

  10. Needed : Optional/Facultatif.

  11. Prepare : Parchment paper pieces/morceaux de papier cuisson.

  12. Needed : Sour cream/Crème épaisse.

If all ingredients Mexican Beef Burritos EASY it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.

Step by Step Cooking Mexican Beef Burritos EASY

  1. Prepare your ingredients/Préparez vos ingrédients.

  2. Caramelize onions in greased pan & reserve/caraméliser les onions dans 1 poêle huilée et réserver.

  3. Caramelize peppers in greased pan & reserve/caraméliser les poivrons dans 1 poêle huilée et réserver.

  4. Brown ground beef in greased pan/ Saisir la viande hachée dans 1 poêle huilée.

  5. When meat is cooked, add Taco Spices in pan/Ajouter les épices Taco à la viande cuite.

  6. Add water to meat, stir, allow to simmer for 5 minutes & reserve/Ajouter l'eau à la viande, mélanger, laisser mijoter 5 minutes et réserver.

  7. Cook Mexican rice based on packaging instructions & reserve/Cuire le riz Mexicain selon les instructions & réserver.

  8. Lay each tortilla wrap on a parchment paper piece. This will allow you to separate them more easily when serving/Placer chaque tortilla sur un morceau de papier cuisson. Cela vous permettra de les séparer plus facilement au moment de servir..

  9. Spread some salsa on each tortilla/Tartiner chaque tortilla avec un peu de salsa.

  10. Start adding rice to each tortilla/ Ajouter du riz à chaque tortilla.

  11. Add ground beef/Ajouter la viande hachée.

  12. Add Bell peppers/Ajouter les poivrons.

  13. Add caramelized onions/ajouter les oignons caramélisés.

  14. Add a bit of grated cheese/Ajouter un peu de fromage râpé.

  15. Wrap each tortilla on it's parchment paper.

  16. Spread a bit of Salsa on top/Tartiner d'un peu de salsa.

  17. Cover with cheese to taste/Couvrir de fromage râpé à volonté.

  18. Preheat oven at 350 degrees & Insert for 20 minutes/Préchauffer le four à 180 degrés et insérer pendant 20 minutes.

  19. Check from time to time to ensure that cheese doesn't burn/Vérifier de temps en temps pour éviter que le fromage ne brûle..

  20. Removed, serve & indulge/Retirer, servir et savourer.

  21. You can add sour cream on top, the flavors blend beautifully/Vous pouvez ajouter un peu de crème épaisse au-dessus, les saveurs se marient merveilleusement bien.

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