Without fail making ultimate MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo easy, yummy, practical.
Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo with 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.
In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 10 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo.
Ingredients all MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo
Prepare : ground beef.
Needed : egg.
Prepare : ground mustard.
Prepare : Garlic salt.
Prepare : Basil.
Prepare : A1 steak sauce.
Prepare : butter.
Needed : yellow onion.
Needed : Salt & pepper.
Prepare : Your choice of cheese.
If all ingredients MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.
Step by Step Cooking MustardTiger Burgers con Keezo
First thing first as always, get all your ingredients together. Dice your onion, decide how much seasoning you want in your burger meat, make a plan..
In a large bowl Add the butter, melt it in the microwave. 15 seconds will probably do it. Add the ground beef. Make a hole in the middle. Crack the egg right in the hole you just made. Scramble it up a little with your finger, just so the yolk breaks and its a bit blended. Add the A1 into the egg. Add the seasonings to the meat around the egg. Add the onion just like the seasoning. Get your hands in there and smush and squeeze that mixture till it's a well blended meat mush..
Now you'll form your patties. 1 lb equals 4 nice thick burgers so try to get 4 even portions of the meat. Work it with your hands and form into patties. They should be about 3/4 inch thick. Salt and pepper the completed patties..
This is where you will make or break the burgers. The trick to cooking hamburgers is getting a good sear on them. That means your going to take a lightly oiled pan and put it on high heat. On a preheated pan you will lay out your burger patties. It will make a LOUD sizzle sound as you place them, that's a good thing. Your going to leave them for about 5 minutes. Then flip and do the same. When you flip they should look like the pic… That's a bee you tee full sear!.
Now you are going to actually cook the patties. After you sear the second side, flip them again and lower the heat about halfway and cover. This is the next key to a good burger. I don't mean use a pan lid. I use a lid from a pot that's smaller than my pan to cover only the burgers… Like so…
Depending on how you like your burgers is how long you'll cook them. If you like them more rare, 3-4 minutes on each side. I like mine more well than rare so I did about 8 minutes each side. VERY important!! Don't puncture or press the patties! You're covering them with a lid which does the job that you'd be trying to do by puncturing or pressing. Either one would also defeat the purpose of the sear. You sear to seal in the moisture and flavors..
Now is the time you'd put your cheese on the patties if you're making cheeseburgers. Cover with the lid till cheese is melted. Remove from pan onto a paper towel lined plate. Let stand for at least 5 minuets before cutting or eating. I only put some colbyjack cheese, a bit of raw onion and spicy brown mustard on mine (to make MustardTiger proud) and trust me.. That's all it needs! Enjoy!.
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