
Easiest Way to Make Tasty Bubur Manado Tinutuan in English Indonesian language

Without fail cooking ultimate Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language) easy, delicious, practical.

Bubur Manado / Tinutuan
(in English & Indonesian language)
Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language)

Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language) with 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 17 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language).

Ingredients all Bubur Manado / Tinutuan

(in English & Indonesian language)

  1. Needed 1 bunch : water spinach /kangkung.

  2. Prepare 1 bunch : spinach /bayam.

  3. Needed 1 can : sweet corn /jagung manis kalengan.

  4. Prepare 250 grams : cassava /ubi kayu/ singkong.

  5. Needed 500 grams : pumpkin /labu.

  6. Prepare 2 sticks : lemongrass /sereh.

  7. Prepare 2 leaves : turmeric /daun kunyit.

  8. Prepare 1 bunch : Basil /kemangi.

  9. Prepare 100 grams : rice /beras.

  10. Needed 1 tsp : Salt /garam.

  11. Needed 2 litres : water /air.

  12. Prepare 6 pieces : fried Tofu /tahu goreng.

  13. Needed 1 tsp : fried garlic /bawang putih goreng.

  14. Needed 2 tablespoon : fried red onions /bawang goreng.

  15. Prepare 2 : finely cut green onions /batang bawang yang sudah dipotong halus.

  16. Needed 6 pieces : fried salted fish.

  17. Needed : Hot chili sauce.

If all ingredients Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language) it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.

Stages Cooking Bubur Manado / Tinutuan

(in English & Indonesian language)

  1. Wash all ingredients clean /cuci bersih semua bahan..

  2. Prepare pumpkin and cassava and cut into small pieces /siapkan labu dan singkong lalu potong kecil-kecil..

  3. Then water spinach and spinach are also cut into small sizes /juga kangkung dan bayam dipotong kecil-kecil..

  4. Prepare a medium sized pan, fill it with water then add pumpkin, cassava, rice, sweet corn, lemongrass and turmeric leaves. Cook for about 25 minutes or until everything is cooked /Siapkan panci ukuran sedang, isi dengan air lalu masukkan labu, singkong, beras, jagung manis, sereh dan daun kunyit. Masak selama kurang lebih 25 menit atau sampai semuanya matang..

  5. Before entering the vegetables, press-squeeze the pumpkin in the water until it looks yellow and thick /Sebelum memasukkan sayur, tekan-tekanlah labu agar hancur sampai airnya terlihat kuning dan kental..

  6. Add water spinach and spinach, mix well with other ingredients that have been cooked, then add the green onions, basil, fried garlic and salt. Mix everything well once again /Masukkan bayam dan kangkung, campur dengan baik bersama bahan lainnya yang sudah matang, lalu tambahkan daun bawang, kemangi, bawang putih goreng dan garam, campurkan semuanya dengan baik sekali lagi..

  7. Serve with fried tofu, fried salted fish and hot chili sauce /Sajikan bersama Tahu goreng, ikan asin goreng dan sambal pedas..

Like that formula easy make with set recipes Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language), you also do look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on site us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy easy, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Bubur Manado / Tinutuan (in English & Indonesian language).
