
How to Recipe Delicious Short Rice Noodles Bee Tai Bak w Tomato Scrambled Egg

Without fail making ultimate 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg) easy, delicious, practical.

番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg)
番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg)

Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg) with 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 9 ingredients and 5 stages of easy cooking 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg).

Ingredients for 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg)

  1. Needed : 米苔目 Short rice noodles (Bee Tai Bak).

  2. Prepare : 肉碎 Minced meat (50g).

  3. Prepare : 四季豆 French beans (50g).

  4. Needed : 鱼丸 Fish balls.

  5. Prepare : 蒜头 Garlic (1 clove).

  6. Prepare : 鸡蛋 Eggs (2).

  7. Prepare : 番茄 Tomatoes (1).

  8. Prepare : 蚝油,酱清 Oyster sauce, Light soy sauce.

  9. Needed : 番茄酱 Tomato sauce.

If all ingredients 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg) it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.

Stages Cooking 番茄蛋米苔目 Short Rice Noodles (Bee Tai Bak) w Tomato Scrambled Egg)

  1. 准备番茄蛋: 番茄切小块,打散鸡蛋。热锅,加油,加入番茄,散蛋。加入番茄酱炒香,备用。Prepare Scrambled Egg: Cut tomatoes into small cubes, beat the eggs. Heat frying pan, add in oil, tomatoes and eggs. Add tomato sauce and stir-fry, stand-by..

  2. 把鱼丸放入热水煮3分钟,备用。Cook fish balls in boiling water for 3mins, stand-by.

  3. 蒜头切薄片,四季豆切小段。热锅,加入油,蒜头,四季豆和肉碎翻炒. Cut garlic into slices, cut french beans into small sections. Heat frying pan, add in oil, garlic, French beans, minced meat and stir-fry.

  4. 加入米苔目,鱼丸,酱清,蚝油,翻炒。Add Bee Tai Bak, fishballs, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce, stir-fry.

  5. 把米苔目放入盘中,加入番茄蛋。Place fried Bee Tai Bak on plates, and add in tomato scrambled eggs.

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