
Easiest Way to Recipe Tasty Chicken Quesadillas Mexican

Without fail recipe ultimate Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican) easy, tasty, practical.

Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican)
Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican)

Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican) with 31 ingredients and 8 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 31 ingredients and 8 stages of easy cooking Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican).

Ingredients all Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican)

  1. Needed : Base.

  2. Prepare 2 : Chicken Breast.

  3. Prepare 8 : Tortillas.

  4. Needed 1 lb : Cheddar Cheese.

  5. Needed 1 : Red Pepper.

  6. Needed 1 : Green Pepper.

  7. Needed : Flavor.

  8. Needed : Vegetable Oil.

  9. Needed : Olive Oil.

  10. Needed : Salt.

  11. Needed : Pepper.

  12. Needed : Taco Seasoning.

  13. Prepare 1 Tbsp : Chili Powder.

  14. Needed 1 tsp : Ground Cumin.

  15. Prepare 1 tsp : Garlic Powder.

  16. Needed 1 tsp : Paprika.

  17. Prepare 1 tsp : Dried Oregano.

  18. Prepare 1 tsp : Onion Powder.

  19. Prepare 1/2 tsp : Crushed Red Pepper Flakes.

  20. Needed : Pico.

  21. Needed 4 : Tomatoes.

  22. Needed 1 : White Onion.

  23. Needed 1/2 Bunch : Cilantro.

  24. Needed 2 : Jalapenos.

  25. Prepare 1 : Lime.

  26. Needed 4 : Garlic Cloves.

  27. Prepare : Sugar.

  28. Needed : Salt.

  29. Prepare : Add Ins.

  30. Prepare : Sour Cream.

  31. Prepare : Hot Sauce.

If all ingredients Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican) it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.

Stages Cooking Chicken Quesadillas (Mexican)

  1. Prep: Make Pico by dicing tomatoes and white onion, finely chopping jalapenos and cilantro and mincing the garlic. Combine and then add salt, sugar & lime juice to taste..

  2. Prep: Make taco seasoning by combining the seasoning ingredients in a small bowl and mixing till evenly blended together..

  3. Prep: Cut the Red and Green bell peppers into small squares and set aside. Shred the cheese and set aside..

  4. Prep: Dry, pound and trim the chicken breasts and then Dice into small squares. Put into a bowl and mix with olive oil, salt and pepper..

  5. Prep: Put a baking sheet in the oven, lined with parchment paper & turn oven to 200°..

  6. Cook: Heat pan to Medium-High and add diced chicken to the pan, cool until the outside is cooked and then drain any water from the Pan. Add a bit of oil to the pan and then add in the taco seasoning & bell peppers. Cook until the chicken just starts to brown & then add the bell peppers. Cook to desired doneness, remove chicken & bell peppers and set aside..

  7. Cook: Cook each Quesadilla one at a time. Turn the temperature to Medium, Add vegetable oil to the pan, then a tortilla. Fill with cheese & chicken/bell pepper mix and then fold closed. Cook till crisp and then flip. Move to baking sheet after they are done and then start the next one..

  8. Cook: Repeat till all the Quesadillas are done and then turn off the oven. serve Immediately, with sour cream, hot sauce & pico..

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