
Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Fudgy Brownies Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge

Without fail recipe ultimate Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge easy, delicious, practical.

Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge
Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge

Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge with 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 10 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge.

Ingredients all Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge

  1. Prepare : Ketobetic Cake Flour.

  2. Prepare : sdm unsweetened cocoa powder (saya pakai Valrhona).

  3. Prepare : sdt baking powder.

  4. Prepare : sdm butter, lelehkan.

  5. Needed : sdm ekstrak vanilla.

  6. Prepare : sdt ekstrak kopi/espresso.

  7. Needed : Xylitol (saya pakai Erythritol) atau 5-6 sachet Equal.

  8. Prepare : kuning telur.

  9. Prepare : unsweetened chocochips (saya pakai ghirardeli).

  10. Needed : pecan dan walnut cacah (optional).

If all ingredients Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.

Stages Cooking Fudgy Brownies #Ketopad_cp_WeeklyChallenge

  1. Panaskan oven di 175 drj C. Lapisi loyang brownies dgn kertas minyak..

  2. Campurkan bahan2 kering : tepung KCF, baking powder, equal/xylitol, dgn whisker sampai tercampur rata..

  3. Campurkan ekstrak vanila dan ekstrak kopi kedalam butter leleh, aduk rata..

  4. Campur jadi satu bahan2 kering dgn butter leleh dan kuning telur. aduk rata dgn spatula karena adonan akan menjadi kental..

  5. Masukkan choc.chips dan kacang pecan dan walnut. aduk rata..

  6. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan brownies, ratakab sampai kepinggir dgn jari..

  7. Panggang selama 15 menit.

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