Without fail cooking ultimate Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨 easy, fast, practical.
Good Evening every body, at this time you get present recipe Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨 with 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.
In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 9 ingredients and 6 stages of easy cooking Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨.
Ingredients all Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨
Needed 300 g : fresh pork ribs (lean with little fat).
Needed : black beans.
Needed : garlic.
Prepare : Red pepper or red bell pepper.
Needed 2 tsp : light soya sauce.
Prepare 2 tsp : oyster sauce.
Prepare 2 tsp : corn starch.
Needed 1 : chilli pepper (optional).
Needed : Spring Onions Garnish (optional).
If all ingredients Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨 it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with relaxing.
Process Cooking Dim Sum - Chinese Steamed Ribs with Garlic Black Beans 豆豉蒜蓉蒸排骨
These are the ingredients Soak pork for 20mins and Soak black beans for 5 mins. Drain..
Add garlic n black beans 1:1. light soya sauce, oyster sauce, Red pepper (pick ones not spicy) Mix well all together and set it aside for 20mins (add red chilli pepper optional) If u like some veg before steaming u can place raw pumpkin or chinese radish at the bottom of the ribs and steam together..
Right after mixing, boil a pan of water. If u are really lazy u can set a tray in the rice cooker and cook together with white rice..
Either Way is ok. If in pot pan place ribs when water in boiling. Steam for 15mins cover lid (do not open lid within this time so make sure u have enough water) As for rice cooker just cook as usually with the dish inside. When rice done ribs should be done..
Check and taste test..
Done. Can sprinkle chopped spring onions for garnish. Enjoy!.
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